
how did maharana pratap died

how did maharana pratap died 

how did maharana pratap died

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On the day Maharana Pratap died, what kind of talks did he have with his feudatories before his death? Apart from this, when the news of Maharana Pratap’s death reached Mughal ruler Akbar, what was Akbar’s reaction on it? What did Dursa Aadha, a poet present in the Mughal court at that time, write in relation to this reaction of Akbar?

Let us try to find answers to these questions.

Veer Vinod is one of the main sources of the history of Mewar.

According to this book written by Kaviraj Shyamal, Maharana Pratap died on 19 January 1597.

Maharana Pratap spent the last time of his life in Chavand which is currently in Udaipur district of Rajasthan and Bandoli is a village one to two miles from Chavand. In this Bandoli village, Maharana Pratap was cremated on the banks of the river and at this place there is a monument called Maharana Pratap’s Chhatri. how did maharana pratap died

On January 19, 1597, when Maharana Pratap died, what did Maharana Pratap talk to his feudatories before his death?

History of Udaipur state is a hymn written by Gaurishankar Hirachand Ojha. Some things have been written in it on page number 402 and while quoting different major sources. how did maharana pratap died

It is written in the book that Maharana Pratap was in Chavand at the time of his death. On the day Maharana Pratap died, he was very sad and his feudatories were sitting around him, the same feudatories who were with Maharana Pratap even in times of difficulty and were now sitting near Maharana Pratap even in his last days. .

All the feudatories were seeing Maharana Pratap very sad and in pain, so among those feudatories there was also a feudatory of Salumbar. Salumbar currently comes in Udaipur district of Rajasthan and the rulers here used to be Chundavats and one of the rulers of Mewar was Maharana Lakha, his son was Chunda and the descendants of Chunda were Chundavats. These chundavats used to have a lot of contribution and influence in the political decisions of Mewar. how did maharana pratap died

So the chieftain of Salumbar dared to ask Maharana Pratap that why are you so sad? After all, why is your soul not leaving your body easily?

So knowing the last words that Maharana Pratap said, you will also think that how can a person be so self-respecting.

Maharana Pratap said that my son Amarsingh is a comfort-loving person and I have little hope that after my death my son will be able to protect the pride of my dynasty and the state if you ask me to protect the pride of the state. If you promise then perhaps my life can easily leave my body. how did maharana pratap died

Hearing these words of Maharana Pratap, the feudatories took the oath of Bappa Rawal’s throne and said that we will protect the pride of your kingdom and your dynasty, only after this Maharana Pratap sacrificed his life.

There is a source to shed light on the subject of which disease Maharana Pratap died from, “Maharana Yash Prakash” written by Bhursingh Shekhawat. It has been written on page number 139 that God’s illusion is also immense, that hero (Maharana Pratap) who never got injured while fighting with Muslims, that hero who put many warriors to sleep on their death bed with his sword, today command Being injured due to pulling, left this world forever.

The meaning of these lines is that when Maharana Pratap was going to hunt the lion and when he pulled his bow, Maharana Pratap was badly injured when he pulled the bow or bow and hit his stomach. Went. how did maharana pratap died

In a few days that wound became huge and due to this Maharana Pratap remained ill for a long time and finally on 19 January 1597, Maharana Pratap sacrificed his life.

When the news of Maharana Pratap’s death reached Akbar, what was Akbar’s reaction to it?

In this regard, on page number 402 and 404 of the history of Udaipur state, some things have been written by a poet Dursa Aadha, who was present in the Mughal court at that time, so let me present those things written by him.

It was written by Dursa Aadha that when Akbar got the news of Maharana Pratap’s death, he was saddened. People in the Mughal court were also very surprised to see this reaction of Akbar. how did maharana pratap died

Akbar pressed his tongue under his teeth and took a long breath and breathless tears dripped.

Pressing his tongue under his teeth means that Akbar was very surprised.

A person takes long and deep breaths to relax himself when he is under stress or when he hears news that he does not like. how did maharana pratap died

Akbar always regretted that where big kings and princely states had accepted the subordination of Mughal ruler Akbar, but on the contrary, Maharana Pratap never accepted the subordination of Akbar.

Akbar must have regretted that he could not bring Maharana Pratap under his control, but he would also have respect for the self-respect of Maharana Pratap, because in front of Akbar, princely states with large areas had surrendered for their comforts. But Maharana Pratap had a small area of ​​MewarFor this, leaving his comforts and facilities, he spent his whole life suffering. how did maharana pratap died

history of maharana pratap in english

महाराणा प्रताप का इतिहास

maharana pratap ka rajtilak

महाराणा प्रताप का बाल्यकाल

राजाराम जी के दोहे | rajaram ji ke dohe


My name is Sonu Patel i am from india i like write on spritual topic

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